Fūrōgū Shrine


This shrine was built about 1,800 years ago and is associated with Empress Jingū, nicknamed "Ofurō-san" by the local people. The main shrine and five-story stone pagoda are designated as National Important Cultural Properties. The large 2,000-year-old camphor tree that sits on the shrine grounds is also a must-see. It is lit up from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and at 6 p.m., 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., a sea of clouds is created by mist, which is very mysterious! Don't miss the oversized ema picture tablet made of Ōkawa kumiko latticework that hangs over the shrine gate.

Address: 726-1 Ōaza Sakemi, Ōkawa City

Tel: 0944-87-2154

Open hours: 8:00–17:00

Ōkawa Terraza (Ōkawa Tourist Association)