Ōkawa Municipal Seiriki Art Museum


This building, built in the Meiji era as the office of the Seiriki Brewing Company, is now open to the public as an art museum. Many works by painters from Ōkawa City and the Chikugo area of Kuūshū are exhibited here. Visitors can take their time to appreciate the works that are in harmony with the atmosphere of the building. The building itself has many highlights: the first floor is a characteristic room where Western and Japanese styles coexist, and the hall on the second floor has a gorgeous geometric-patterned ceiling. The interior and furnishings, including tiles surviving from the Meiji period, are also popular with art lovers. How about taking a relaxing trip to appreciate art in this cozy space during your travels?

Address: 77-16 Ōaza Kanegae, Ōkawa City

Tel: 0944-86-6700

Open hours: 9:00-17:00 *entry by 16:30

Closed: Mondays (or the following day if the Monday is a public holiday)

Fūrōgū Shrine