Ōkawa Terraza (Ōkawa Tourist Association)


Located at the foot of the Chikugo River Lift Bridge, this information center consolidates information on sightseeing spots and interior design in Ōkawa City. It provides information on events being held in the city and furniture stores that suit your needs. The shop offers a variety of Ōkawa-made wooden goods, accessories, foods and sweets, making it a great place to look for souvenirs. Coffee and soft-serve ice cream are also available. Visitors can try their hand at Ōkawa kumiko lattice work and woodworking. They also hold events on an irregular basis. (For details, visit their website.)

Address: 2525-2 Ōaza Mukaijima, Ōkawa City

Tel: 0944-87-0923

Open hours: 10:00-17:00 

Closed: Mondays (or the following day if the Monday is a public holiday), New Year’s holidays

Parking: Free

Ōkawa Tourist Association website
Koga Masao Memorial Hall & Family Home